Clojure State Management by Example
##Introduction One of my favorite features of Clojure is the way changes in application state are handled. In Clojure we separate the concerns of our data (which is stored as values) and the management of how that data might change over time. Contrast this to most other languages that have mutable state tied to their object model at some level.
There are four state management primitives. Here's a very simple example of each and how they behave.
###Vars Vars are what you get when you use def. def simply defines a value. If you declare the def'd value as dynamic, you can rebind it on a per-thread basis. Meaning, within your current scope you can rebind the value of the previously def'd value. Here's the example:
(def ^:dynamic *a* 0) ;Note the *earmuff*
(def ^:dynamic *b* 1) ;Clojure uses them for things mean to be rebound
(prn (str "(original) a, b = " *a* "," *b*))
(binding [*a* 1 *b* 0]
(prn (str "(rebinding) a, b = " *a* "," *b*))
(binding [*a* 11 *b* 45]
(prn (str "(another binding) a, b = " *a* "," *b*)))
(prn (str "(exiting scope) a, b = " *a* "," *b*)))
(prn (str "(exiting scope) a, b = " *a* "," *b*)))
(prn (str "(original ns value) a, b = " *a* "," *b*))
The above produces this output:
"(original) a, b = 0,1"
"(rebinding) a, b = 1,0"
"(original ns value) a, b = 0,1"
"(another binding) a, b = 11,45"
"(exiting scope) a, b = 1,0"
"(exiting scope) a, b = 0,1"
As you can see, every time I rebind a and b in a new form, the old value are replaced within that scope. As soon as the form is exited, we are back to the previous binding. Finally, you can see that the last prn statement that prints the original binding value is unaffected by the future since the future is in a different thread. I don't find vars particularly useful or interesting, but for completeness's sake, there you have it. Our next three concurrency primitives are much more interesting.
###Atoms Atoms provide synchronous, uncoordinated state management. These are the workhorse of Clojure state management. Here's how it works using a simple example that updates two atoms and dumps out their results. A built-in delay is added to each update for illustration's sake.
(def a (atom 0))
(def b (atom 1))
(defn slow [f] (Thread/sleep 300) f)
(defn slower [f] (Thread/sleep 400) f)
(swap! a (comp slow inc))
(swap! b (comp slower dec))))
(loop [i 10]
(when (pos? i)
(prn (str "a, b = " @a "," @b))
(Thread/sleep 100)
(recur (dec i))))))
"a, b = 0,1"
"a, b = 0,1"
"a, b = 0,1"
"a, b = 1,1"
"a, b = 1,1"
"a, b = 1,1"
"a, b = 1,1"
"a, b = 1,0"
"a, b = 1,0"
"a, b = 1,0"
The above output illustrates that atoms are synchronous since it took 300ms for slow to execute on a and an additional 400ms for slower to execute on b. Also, the functions are uncoordinated - There is a time when slow has completed its work and slower has not. There is no connection between the two swap! operations.
###Refs Refs provide synchronous, coordinated state management. Use a ref when you need a transaction to be performed correctly. For example, you could use Refs to track funds in a bank account. To transfer funds from one Ref'd account to another, put the transaction in a synchronized ref block. The following example is identical to the above, except that now we are altering a and b in a synchronized code block.
(def a (ref 0))
(def b (ref 1))
(defn slow [f] (Thread/sleep 300) f)
(defn slower [f] (Thread/sleep 400) f)
(alter a (comp slow inc))
(alter b (comp slower dec))))
(loop [i 10]
(when (pos? i)
(prn (str "a, b = " @a "," @b))
(Thread/sleep 100)
(recur (dec i))))))
"a, b = 0,1"
"a, b = 0,1"
"a, b = 0,1"
"a, b = 0,1"
"a, b = 0,1"
"a, b = 0,1"
"a, b = 0,1"
"a, b = 1,0"
"a, b = 1,0"
"a, b = 1,0"
Unlike the previous example, no change occurred in a or b until both the slow and slower functions were applied to a and b. Since the operations were synchronous, it took the entire compute time of both functions to pass before both a and be were concurrently updated.
###Agents Agents provide asynchronous, uncoordinated state management. If you want reactive behavior, use agents. As before, we are using the same example to illustrate agent behavior.
(def a (agent 0))
(def b (agent 1))
(defn slow [f] (Thread/sleep 300) f)
(defn slower [f] (Thread/sleep 400) f)
(send a (comp slow inc))
(send b (comp slower dec))))
(loop [i 10]
(when (pos? i)
(prn (str "a, b = " @a "," @b))
(Thread/sleep 100)
(recur (dec i))))))
"a, b = 0,1"
"a, b = 0,1"
"a, b = 0,1"
"a, b = 1,1"
"a, b = 1,0"
"a, b = 1,0"
"a, b = 1,0"
"a, b = 1,0"
"a, b = 1,0"
"a, b = 1,0"
In this case, we see that both slow and slower executed concurrently, since a was updated after 300ms and b was updated only 100ms later.
##Summary Clojure's concurrency primitives are very easy to use and make it simple to manage program state. However, it is important to know when to use which. Hopefully this simple set of examples will give you a clear idea as to the behaviors of each so that you'll know when to use them.