<>FP From the Fire Hose

Functional Programming (FP)

From the fire hose

Mark Bastian



The Challenge

  • Spend 30 minutes on FP theory
    • It will have no practical value
    • It will be boring
    • You won't be impressed
  • Spend 30 minutes on examples
    • I might as well be speaking Sanskrit
    • The weirdness will permanently alienate you from the concept
  • What I'll try
    • FP in a few minutes
    • Examples

Functional Programming

What is Functional Programming?

“In computer science, functional programming is a programming paradigm, a style of building the structure and elements of computer programs, that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids changing-state and mutable data.”

Tenets of Functional Programming

  • Functions consistently map inputs to outputs
  • Data is immutable (values)
  • Functions have no side-effects


  • Functions are types in FP, not just methods
    • They can be assigned
    • They can be passed around and returned
  • FP Functions are Mathematical Functions, with all of their special properties:
    • Consistent results
    • Composition, substitution, partial evaluation, etc.


  • Values are immutable
  • Primitives (double, int, string, etc.) are values
  • Value Types and Immutable Collections: Immutable classes with equality and hashcode
  • Values are implicitly concurrent
  • Values don't require deep copying since they can share history
  • Values are required for functional consistency
  • Values are easy to reason about
  • In FP, it's values all the way down

No Side Effects

  • Anything that affects computation besides the function internals is a side effect
  • Mathematical functions have no side-effects
  • Examples of side-effects include disk i/o, printing, rendering, and loading configuration files
  • In practice, there will be side-effects
  • FP seeks to minimize and contain them


  • Functional Programming treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions
  • To be functional, you must have:
    • Functions as types: You can't have FP without functions
    • Value types: Mutable state breaks the functional contract
    • No side-effects: Side-effects break the functional contract


Example Notes

  • I will go fast
    • The point is to show a concept, not to fully explain it
    • I can't teach a new language AND a paradigm in 30 minutes
    • If I don't hit everything you can read it on your own
  • All the code is in the slides
  • If I don't hit everything you can read it on your own

Example: Collection Abstractions

Collection Abstractions

  • Things you do all the time with collections:
    • Map elements to different values
    • Filter certain elements out
    • Reduce all elements to a single value
    • Find a certain element
    • Check for the existence of one or more elements satisfying a predicate
    • Etc.
  • Each pattern above is mostly boilerplate in OOP
  • Let's see how FP can help

Non-Functional Collection Operation 1

Map a collection to its squares

public static List<Integer>map(List<Integer> input){
    List<Integer> output = new LinkedList<Integer>();
    for(Integer i : input){
        output.add(i * i);
    return output;

Non-Functional Collection Operation 2

Map a collection to its doubles

public static List<Integer>map(List<Integer> input){
    List<Integer> output = new LinkedList<Integer>();
    for(Integer i : input){
        output.add(i * 2);
    return output;


  • These fragments were identical except for a single operation
  • You cannot easily abstract away the common code with OOP
  • Try it if you don't believe me
  • Let's look at my solution

The OOP Solution

public interface IOperation<T, U> {
    public T apply(U input);

public static <T, U> List<T> map(List<U> input, IOperation<T, U> operation){
    List<T> output = new LinkedList<T>();
    for(U i : input){
    return output;

Whoa, ugly!

The OOP Solution

public static void main(String[] args){
    List<Integer> ints = new LinkedList<Integer>();
    for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) ints.add(i);

    List<Double> roots = map(ints, new IOperation<Double, Integer>() {
        public Double apply(Integer input) {
            return Math.sqrt(input);


This isn't particularly satisfying

The FP Solution

Java 8

List<Integer> squares =
        ints.stream().map(i -> i * i).collect(Collectors.toList());
  • Notes
    • i -> i * i is a first class function
    • It is called on every element of ints (our collection)
    • map takes a function as its argument


Java 8

List<Integer> squares =
        ints.stream().map(i -> i * i).collect(Collectors.toList());

Java 7

List<Double> squares = map(ints, new IOperation<Double, Integer>() {
    public Double apply(Integer input) {
        return input * input;
  • 6X less code (ignoring the line break)
  • More readable and less error prone

Examples in Multiple Languages

Java 8

List<Integer> squares =
        ints.stream().map(i -> i * i).collect(Collectors.toList());


val squares = (0 until 1000000) map { x => x * x }


(def squares (map #(* % %) (range 0 1000000)))

Examples in FP Languages


val squares = (0 until 1000000) map { x => x * x }


(def squares (map #(* % %) (range 0 1000000)))

The FP versions are even smaller than the Java 8 version because of their design

First Class Functions Summary

  • First class functions allow you to abstract away repetitive patterns of action
  • What is more common?
    • Domain objects
    • Patterns of action
  • Programming for patterns of action gives high reuse, reduces line count, and reduces potential for errors

Example: Values

Recall: Advantages of Values

  • Values are concurrent
  • Values are easy to reason about
  • FP's predictablility guarantees are lost when arguments are mutable
  • For true FP, it's values all the way down

Java Example: Concurrent Modification

What happens here?

List<Integer> ints = new LinkedList<>();
for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) ints.add(i);

new Thread(() -> {
    while(!ints.isEmpty()) ints.remove(0);

List<Integer> evens =
        ints.stream().filter(i -> (0 == (i % 2))).collect(Collectors.toList());


Java Example Output

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
	at example.StreamStuffNPE.lambda$main$1(StreamStuffNPE.java:17)
	at example.StreamStuffNPE$$Lambda$2/250421012.test(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$2$1.accept(ReferencePipeline.java:174)
	at java.util.LinkedList$LLSpliterator.forEachRemaining(LinkedList.java:1235)
	at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:512)
	at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:502)
	at java.util.stream.ReduceOps$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential(ReduceOps.java:708)
	at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(AbstractPipeline.java:234)
	at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.collect(ReferencePipeline.java:499)
	at example.StreamStuffNPE.main(StreamStuffNPE.java:17)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:483)
	at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(AppMain.java:134)

What happened?

  • Two threads were operating concurrently on a single mutable data structure
  • I can't divine the exact details from the stack trace
  • Clearly, though, the result is indeterminate

Concurrency with Immutable Data Structures

What happens here?

(def int-vec (into [] (range 1000000)))

  (loop[rem (rest int-vec)]
    (if (empty? rem)
      (prn "All done")
      (recur (rest rem)))))

(count (filter #(= 0 (mod % 2)) int-vec))
=> #'user/int-vec
=> #<core$future_call$reify__6320@73f5597d: :pending>
"All done"
=> 500000

How did this work?

  • The int-vec data structure was immutable
  • The future did not modify int-vec; it makes a new version of it at every iteration
  • The filter and count operate on the initial immutable data structure - NOT an intermediate one


  • Values are a powerful concept that is a key requirement for FP
  • Values give implicit concurrency, are easy to reason about, and are easy to manipulate and analyze
  • Language Notes:
    • Scala has good value support (Immutable collections and case classes)
    • Clojure has amazing value support (Immutable collections and defrecords)
    • Java has NO value support (Collections and classes are mutable)

Example: Car Shopping

  • This is trivial trade analysis example
  • It is a good illustration of many real, complex problems

The Problem

  • Create a sampling of items (cars)
  • Evaluate each
  • Return the best one

The OOP/Java Solution


package cars;

public class Car {
    private String make = null;
    private int year = 0;
    private String color = null;
    private double topSpeed = 0.0;

    public String getMake() {
        return make;

    public void setMake(String make) {
        this.make = make;

    public int getYear() {
        return year;

    public void setYear(int year) {
        this.year = year;

    public String getColor() {
        return color;

    public void setColor(String color) {
        this.color = color;

    public double getTopSpeed() {
        return topSpeed;

    public void setTopSpeed(double topSpeed) {
        this.topSpeed = topSpeed;

    public String toString() {
        return getColor() + " " + getYear() + " " + getMake() + 
        " with top speed of " + getTopSpeed() + " mph";


package cars;

public class TestDriver {
    //Super complicated ranking function.
    public static double rank(Car car){
        double score = 0.0;
        switch (car.getColor()) {
            case "Red":
                score = 2.0;
            case "Green":
                score = 1.0;
            case "White":
                score = 1.5;
            case "Black":
                score = 1.9;
            case "Beige":
                score = 0.0;
        return score;


package cars;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class CarPurchasingModel {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        List<String> colors = new LinkedList<>();
        Map<Car, Double> ranked = new HashMap<Car, Double>();
        for(String color : colors){
            Car car = new Car();
            ranked.put(car, TestDriver.rank(car));
        Car bestCar = null;
        double bestScore = -1;
        for(Map.Entry<Car, Double> entry : ranked.entrySet()){
            if(bestCar == null || entry.getValue() > bestScore){
                bestCar = entry.getKey();
                bestScore = entry.getValue();
        System.out.println("The best car is: " + bestCar);

The FP/Clojure Solution

Clojure Solution

(def color-options [:red :green :white :black :beige])
(def basic-car { :make "Honda" :year 2015 :color :beige :top-speed 120.0 })
(def all-cars (map #(into basic-car { :color % }) color-options))

(defn rank [item]
  "Rank the car using a very complicated user preference algorithm"
  (case (item :color)
    :red 2.0
    :green 1.0
    :white 1.5
    :beige 0.0
    :black 1.9

(def rank-map (zipmap all-cars (map rank all-cars)))

(prn (str "The best car is: " (apply max-key val rank-map)))


  • Java Output
    • The best car is: Red 2015 Honda with top speed of 120.0 mph
    • Note that I overrode toString
  • Clojure Output
    • The best car is: [{:make "Honda", :color :red, :top-speed 120.0, :year 2015} 2.0]

Program Stats

  • Java
    • 3 Files/Classes
    • 110 LOC
  • Clojure
    • 1 File
    • 17 LOC


Data Representation

  • Java used a mutable class
    • Care had to be taken to ensure consistency
    • I am stuck with this implementation - I can't add new fields at will
    • This code is not concurrent and would not work well for a parallel implementation
  • Clojure used an immutable map
    • Consistency and concurrency are implicit
    • I can add fields at will, even nested complex fields
    • Parallelization would be trival (map -> pmap)

Use of Functions

  • Java
    • Java relied on standard methods from collection interfaces
    • No first class functions were used in this example
  • Clojure
    • Clojure made heavy use of functions for manipulating data
    • map, into, zipmap, apply, max-key

The Ranking Function

  • The Java ranker was tied to a TestDriver and is only good for Cars
    • 0 reuse
    • If color is the only applicable field, I could create IColor and IColorEvaluator interfaces
    • This still requires declaring the interface everywhere it is used
  • The Clojure ranker only used relevant data
    • This function can be used for any color-based ranking
    • By extension, any function using a data structure with the right fields can be reapplied
    • For example, I could use this function to pick out a refrigerator or a cat

Was this unfair to Java?

  • Potential Java version improvements
    • Make Car immutable with equals, hashcode, copy, and default constructors
      • This is "Effective Java"
      • I now have to write even more code
      • A lot of code just moves around
      • I did it anyways: 126 LOC
  • In any event, this is canonical Java

The Immutable OOP/Java Solution


package cars2;

public interface IColorData {
    public String getColor();


package cars2;

public class ImmutableCar implements IColorData {
    private final String make;
    private final int year;
    private final String color;
    private final double topSpeed;

    public ImmutableCar(String make, int year, String color, double topSpeed) {
        this.make = make;
        this.year = year;
        this.color = color;
        this.topSpeed = topSpeed;

    public String getMake() {
        return make;

    public int getYear() {
        return year;

    public String getColor() {
        return color;

    public double getTopSpeed() {
        return topSpeed;

    public ImmutableCar setMake(String newMake){
        return new ImmutableCar(newMake, getYear(), getColor(), getTopSpeed());

    public ImmutableCar setYear(int newYear){
        return new ImmutableCar(getMake(), newYear, getColor(), getTopSpeed());

    public ImmutableCar setColor(String newColor){
        return new ImmutableCar(getMake(), getYear(), newColor, getTopSpeed());

    public ImmutableCar setTopSpeed(double newTopSpeed){
        return new ImmutableCar(getMake(), getYear(), getColor(), newTopSpeed);

    public String toString() {
        return getColor() + " " + getYear() + " " + getMake() + " with top speed of " + getTopSpeed() + " mph";

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;

        ImmutableCar that = (ImmutableCar) o;

        if (Double.compare(that.topSpeed, topSpeed) != 0) return false;
        if (year != that.year) return false;
        if (color != null ? !color.equals(that.color) : that.color != null) return false;
        if (make != null ? !make.equals(that.make) : that.make != null) return false;

        return true;

    public int hashCode() {
        int result;
        long temp;
        result = make != null ? make.hashCode() : 0;
        result = 31 * result + year;
        result = 31 * result + (color != null ? color.hashCode() : 0);
        temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(topSpeed);
        result = 31 * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
        return result;


package cars2;

public class TestDriver2 {
    //Super complicated ranking function.
    public static double rank(IColorData car){
        double score = 0.0;
        switch (car.getColor()) {
            case "Red":
                score = 2.0;
            case "Green":
                score = 1.0;
            case "White":
                score = 1.5;
            case "Black":
                score = 1.9;
            case "Beige":
                score = 0.0;
        return score;


package cars2;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class ImprovedCarPurchasingModel {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        ImmutableCar defaultCar = new ImmutableCar("Honda", 2105, "Beige", 120.0);

        List<String> colors = new LinkedList<>();

        Map<ImmutableCar, Double> ranked = new HashMap<ImmutableCar, Double>();
        for(String color : colors){
            ImmutableCar car = defaultCar.setColor(color);
            ranked.put(car, TestDriver2.rank(car));

        ImmutableCar bestCar = null;
        double bestScore = -1;
        for(Map.Entry<ImmutableCar, Double> entry : ranked.entrySet()){
            if(bestCar == null || entry.getValue() > bestScore){
                bestCar = entry.getKey();
                bestScore = entry.getValue();

        System.out.println("The best car is: " + bestCar);

Please never make me do this again

Car Shopping Summary

  • OOP and FP solutions were provided to the same problem
  • The FP implementation of the solution was:
    • Much smaller
    • Concurrent
    • More flexible
    • More reusable
  • These results are typical

Example: Conway's Game of Life

Demonstrating FP in a stateful world

Conway's Game of Life

  • Cellular automaton
  • Start with a grid in which some cells are "dead" and some are "live"
  • Step forward and re-evaluate each cell
  • Live cells with 2-3 living neighbors remains alive, otherwise it dies
  • Dead cells with 3 living neighbors becomes a live cell



(ns conway.rules)

(defn gen-cell[](if (> (Math/random) 0.7) :alive :dead))

(defn seed-grid [rows cols]
  (vec (take rows (repeatedly (fn [] (vec (take cols (repeatedly gen-cell))))))))

(defn neighbors [[i j]]
  (let [x ((juxt inc inc identity dec dec dec identity inc) i)
        y ((juxt identity inc inc inc identity dec dec dec) j)]
    (map vector x y)))

(defn count-neighbors [grid coord]
  (let [n (map #(get-in grid %) (neighbors coord))]
    (count (filter #(= % :alive) n))))

(defn sim-step [grid coord]
  (let [n-live (count-neighbors grid coord)]
    (if (= :alive (get-in grid coord))
      (case n-live
        (2 3) :alive
      (if (= 3 n-live) :alive :dead))))

(defn step [grid]
  (into [] (for [i (range (count grid))]
          (into [] (for [j (range (count (get grid i)))]
                  (sim-step grid [i j]))))))


(ns conway.core
  (:require [conway.rules])
  (:import (javax.swing JFrame JPanel JButton JCheckBox Box BoxLayout)
           (java.awt BorderLayout Graphics2D Color ImageCapabilities)
           (java.awt.geom Rectangle2D$Double)
           (java.awt.event ActionListener)
           (java.awt.image VolatileImage)))

(defn panel [grid-ref]
  (let [pnl (proxy [JPanel] []
    (paint [g]
      (let [w (.getWidth this) 
            h (.getHeight this)
            bg (Rectangle2D$Double. 0 0 w (.getHeight this))
            vimg (.createVolatileImage this w h (ImageCapabilities. true))
            g2d (.createGraphics vimg)]
        (doto g2d
          (.setPaint Color/BLACK)
          (.fill bg))
        (doseq [i (range (count @grid-ref))]
          (doseq [j (range (count (get @grid-ref i)))]
            (let [c (if (= :alive (get-in @grid-ref [i j])) Color/GREEN Color/RED)
                  sq (Rectangle2D$Double. (* i (/ w (count @grid-ref)))
                                          (* j (/ h (count (get @grid-ref i))))
                                          (/ w (count @grid-ref))
                                          (/ h (count (get @grid-ref i))))]
                (.setPaint g2d c)
                (.fill g2d sq)))))
        (.drawImage g vimg 0 0 this)
      (add-watch grid-ref :repaint (fn [_ _ _ _] (.repaint pnl)))

(defn sim-button [grid-ref]
  (let [cb (JCheckBox. "Sim!")]
      (loop []
          (when (-> cb .isSelected)
            (dosync (ref-set grid-ref (conway.rules/step @grid-ref))))
          (Thread/sleep 33))

(defn step-button [grid-ref]
  (doto (JButton. "Step")
      (reify ActionListener
        (actionPerformed [_ _]
          (dosync (ref-set grid-ref (conway.rules/step @grid-ref))))))))

(defn reset-button [grid-ref]
  (doto (JButton. "Reset")
      (reify ActionListener
        (actionPerformed [_ _]
          (dosync (ref-set grid-ref (conway.rules/seed-grid 100 100))))))))

(defn run-app [exit-op] (let [grid-ref (ref (conway.rules/seed-grid 100 100))]
  (doto (JFrame. "Conway's Game of Life")
    (.setSize 800 600)
    (.setDefaultCloseOperation exit-op)
    (.add (panel grid-ref) BorderLayout/CENTER)
    (.add (doto (Box. BoxLayout/PAGE_AXIS)
            (.add (step-button grid-ref))
            (.add (sim-button grid-ref))
            (.add (reset-button grid-ref))) BorderLayout/SOUTH)
    (.setVisible true))))

;(run-app JFrame/DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE)

(defn -main
  [& args]
  (future (run-app JFrame/EXIT_ON_CLOSE)))

Program Stats

  • 2 Files, 105 LOC
  • Logic: 1 File, 28 LOC
  • Application: 1 File, 77 LOC


Program Design

  • All model logic was contained in a single file with pure FP code
  • The UI contained all stateful code
  • I was very lazy - The UI could definitely be cleaner and smaller
  • The actual domain model is managed by a single reference (a Clojure concurrency primitive)
  • The reference can be watched for updates and set using transactions
  • This is a typical design


  • Doing some simple tests shows a 1000 x 1000 grid takes ~100 ms to compute
  • Doing some simple tests shows a 100 x 100 grid takes < 1 ms to compute
  • GUI performance is the major bottleneck
  • Fixing GUI performance is left as an exercise for the presenter (or reader)

Conway's Game of Life Summary

  • You can have complex stateful applications written in FP
  • A common pattern:
    • Implement rules/logic in a completely functional manner
    • Use a Clojure concurrency primitive (atom, ref, or agent) to manage state
    • The UI interacts with the concurrency primitive
    • The concurrency primitive can be watched
    • This separates concerns

End of Examples


  • Functional Programming is built on the idea of applying functions to values
  • FP isn't just functions; You also need values and no side-effects
  • It is a different way of thinking, but you will write a lot less code and it will be synchronous
  • Synchronicity is critical in a multicore world
  • Java 8 has some elements of FP, but is very far away from being fully functional
  • Newer languages have much better FP support than Java 8
    • Scala has functions and values, but no buit-in concurrency primitives (See Akka)
    • Clojure does it all
  • If you are interested in FP, you might want to consider Scala or Clojure (Especially Clojure)
